Manuscripts Published, In-Press or Submitted to Journals or Books
1. Ritzwoller, M. H. and C. R. Bentley, Magsat magnetic anomalies over Antarctica and the surrounding oceans, Geophys. Res. Lett. 9, 285-288, 1982. REPRINT: ps, pdf
2. Ritzwoller, M. H. and C. R. Bentley, Magnetic anomalies over Antarctica measured from Magsat, in: Antarctic Earth Science (R. L. Oliver, P. R. James and J. B. Jago, eds.), Proc. IVth Int. Sympos. Antarctic Earth Sciences, Australian Acad. Sci., pp. 504-507, 1983. REPRINT: ps, pdf
3. Ritzwoller, M. H., G. Masters and F. Gilbert, Observations of anomalous splitting and their interpretation in terms of aspherical structure, J. Geophys. Res. 91, 10203-10228, 1986. REPRINT: ps, pdf
4. Masters, G. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Low frequency seismology and three dimensional structure: Observational aspects, in Mathematical Geophysics, A survey of recent developments in seismology and geodynamics, edited by N. J. Vlaar, G. Nolet, M. J. R. Wortel, and S. A. P. L. Cloetingh, Reidel Publ., Cordrecht, the Netherlands, 1987. REPRINT: ps, pdf
5. Ritzwoller, M. H., G. Masters and F. Gilbert, Constraining aspherical structure with low harmonic degree interaction coefficients: Application to uncoupled multiplets, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 6269-6396, 1988. REPRINT: ps, pdf
6. Ritzwoller, M. H. and E. M. Lavely, A unified approach to the helioseismic forward and inverse problems of differential rotation, Ap. J., 369, 557-566, 1991. REPRINT: ps, pdf
7. Lavely, E. M. and M. H. Ritzwoller, The effect of global-scale, steady-state convection and elastic-gravitational asphericities on helioseismic oscillations, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 339, 431-496, 1992. ps, pdf
8. Ritzwoller, M. H. and D. Harvey, IRIS's Joint Seismic Program Center (JSPC) opens, IRIS Newsletter, XI, 3, 5-8, 1992.
9. Lavely, E. M. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Average effects of large-scale convection on helioseismic line widths and frequencies, Ap. J., 403, 810-832, 1993. REPRINT: ps, pdf
10. Durek, J., Ritzwoller, M.H., and Woodhouse, J.H., Constraining upper mantle anelasticity using surface wave amplitude anomalies, Geophys. J. Int., 114, 249-272, 1993. REPRINT: ps, pdf
11. Kelly, J.F., and Ritzwoller, M.H., 1993. Helioseismic line-shape estimation given stochastic excitation, Ap. J., 418, 476 - 489, 1993. REPRINT: ps, pdf
12. Ritzwoller, M. H. and J. Kelly, Detecting giant cell convection with helioseismic linewidths, Proceedings of the GONG Meeting, in GONG 1992: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars, (T. Brown ed.), Astophys. Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, 42, 261 - 264, 1993.
13. Ritzwoller, M. H. and E. M. Lavely, Long period surface waves and mantle boundary undulations, Geophys. J. Internatl., 116, 205 - 216, 1994. REPRINT: ps, pdf
14. Resovsky, J. S. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Characterizing the long-period seismic effects of long-wavelength elastic and anelastic models, Geophys. J. Internatl., 117, 365 - 393, 1994. REPRINT: ps, pdf
15. Lavely, E.M., A. Rodgers, and M.H. Ritzwoller, Can the differential sensitivity of body wave, mantle wave, and normal mode data resolve the trade-off between transition zone structure and boundary topography?, Physics Earth Planet. Ints., 86, 117-146, 1994. REPRINT: ps, pdf
16. Levshin, A. L., M. H. Ritzwoller, and L. I. Ratnikova, The nature and cause of polarization anomalies of surface waves crossing northern and central Eurasia, Geophys. J. Internatl., 117, 577 - 590, 1994. REPRINT: ps, pdf
17. Ritzwoller, M.H. and E.M. Lavely, Three-dimensional seismic models of the Earth's mantle, Revs. of Geophys., 33, 1-66, 1995. REPRINT: ps, pdf
18. Resovsky, J. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Constraining odd-degree mantle structure with normal modes, Geophys. Res. Letts., 22, 2301-2304, 1995. REPRINT: ps, pdf
19. Ritzwoller, M.H. and J. Resovsky, The feasibility of normal mode constraints on higher degree structures, Geophys. Res. Letts., 22, 2305-2308, 1995. REPRINT: ps, pdf
20. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, S.S. Smith, and C.S. Lee, Making accurate continental broadband surface wave measurements, Proceedings of the 17th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, 482-490, 1995. REPRINT: ps, pdf
21. Levshin, A.L. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Surface wave group velocity measurements across Eurasia, Proceedings of the 17th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, 226-236, 1995. REPRINT: ps, pdf
22. Levshin, A.L. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Characteristics of surface waves generated by events on and near the Chinese nuclear test site, Geophys. J. Int., 123, 131-149, 1995. REPRINT: ps, pdf
23. Ritzwoller, M.H., Deja Q: Anelasticity of the Earth's Deep Interior, Deep Earth Dialog, 9, 14-16, 1995.
24. Ritzwoller, M.H., Seismological Research, Inside CIRES, November, 3-5, 1995.
25. Ritzwoller, M.H. and J. Wahr, Geodynamically consistent global mantle models, IRIS-2000, A Science Facility for Studying the Dynamics of the Solid Earth, August, 1995.
26. Levshin, A.L. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Surface wave tomography of Eurasia, IRIS-2000, A Science Facility for Studying the Dynamics of the Solid Earth, August, 1995.
27. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Analysis of coupled low frequency normal modes, IRIS-2000, A Science Facility for Studying the Dynamics of the Solid Earth, August, 1995.
28. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, L.I. Ratnikova, and D.M. Tremblay, High resolution group velocity variations across Central Asia, Proceedings of the 18th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, 98 - 107, 1996. REPRINT: ps, pdf
29. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, and S.S. Smith, Group velocity variations across Eurasia, Proceedings of the 18th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, 70 - 79, 1996. REPRINT: ps, pdf
30. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, L.I. Ratnikova, M. Silitch, R. Kelly, and B. O'Sullivan, Intermediate period group velocity maps across Central Asia and parts of the Middle East, Proceedings of the 19th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, 67 - 76, 1997. REPRINT: ps, pdf
31. Rial, J.A. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Characteristics of Lg propagation across South America, Geophys. Jour. Int., 131, 401-408, 1997. REPRINT: ps, pdf
32. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, L.I. Ratnikova, and A.A. Egorkin, Jr., Surface wave tomographic study of the Central Asia tectonic regimes, Upper Mantle Heterogeneities from Active and Passive Seismology, NATO ASI Series Volume, ed. K. Fuchs, Kluwer Publ., 257-268, 1997. REPRINT: ps, pdf
33. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, New and refined constraints on 3-D earth structure from normal modes below 3mHz, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 783 - 810, 1998. REPRINT: ps, pdf
34. Ritzwoller, M.H. and A.L. Levshin, Eurasian surface wave tomography: Group velocities, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 4839 - 4878 1998. REPRINT: ps, pdf
35. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, L.I. Ratnikova, and A.A. Egorkin, Intermediate period group velocity maps across Central Asia, Western China, and parts of the Middle East, Geophys. J. Int., in press, October, 1997. PREPRINT: Text (ps, pdf), Figures (ps, pdf)
36. James, M.B. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Feasibility of truncated perturbation expansions to approximate Rayleigh wave eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions in heterogeneous media, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., submited, 1997. PREPRINT: (ps, pdf)
37. Vdovin, O.Y., A.L. Levshin, J.A. Rial, and M.H. Ritzwoller, Group velocity tomography of South America and the surrounding oceans, Geophys. J. Int., in press, 1998. PREPRINT: Text (ps, pdf), Figures (ps, pdf)
38. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, A degree 8 shear velocity model from normal mode observations below 3 mHz, submitted to J. Geophys. Res., May, 1998. PREPRINT: Text (ps, pdf), Figures (ps, pdf)
39. Ritzwoller, M.H., O.Y Vdovin, and A.L. Levshin, Surface wave dispersion across Antarctica: A first look, submitted to Ant. J., May, 1998. PREPRINT: Text (ps, pdf), Figures (ps, pdf)
40. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, M.P. Barmin, L.I. Ratnilova, and C.A. Padgett, Automated surface wave analysis using phase-matched filters from dispersion maps, Proceedings of the 20th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, in press, 1998. PREPRINT: ps, pdf
41.James, M.B., On the discrepancy between long period Rayleigh and Love wave data in continental regions, M.S. thesis, summer, 1998. PREPRINT: text, Figures_1, Figures_2 (pdf)
Published Abstracts
1. Ritzwoller, M. H. and G. Masters, The fine structure of resolvably split multiplets, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 65, 1003, 1984.
2. Ritzwoller, M. H., G. Masters and F. Gilbert, Observations of anomalous splitting and their interpretation in terms of aspherical structure, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 66, 967, 1985.
3. Ritzwoller, M. H., G. Masters and F. Gilbert, Anomalous splitting of the earth's free oscillations, 16th Int. Conf. Math. Geophys., Terra Cognita 6, 292, 1986.
4. Ritzwoller, M. H., G. Masters and F. Gilbert, Constraining long wavelength aspherical structure with low frequency seismic data, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 67, 1094, 1986.
5. Smith, M., G. Masters and M. H. Ritzwoller, Constraining aspherical structure with normal mode frequency and attenuation measurements, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 68, 358, 1987.
6. Ritzwoller, M. H. and E. M. Lavely, Helioseismic data analysis: a geophysical perspective, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 68, 1378, 1987. (INVITED)
7. Lavely, E. M., M. H. Ritzwoller and T. H. Jordan, Helioseismological investigation of the differential rotation profile of the solar interior, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 68, 1378, 1987.
8. Ritzwoller, M. H. and J. H. Woodhouse, New constraints on aspherical structure using modes coupled by the Coriolis force, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 69, 397, 1988.
9. Ritzwoller, M. H. and T. M. Brown, Spatial filtering of helioseismic data: Accurately retrieving modal amplitudes and frequencies, Natl. Radio Science Meeting, 1989. (INVITED)
10. Ritzwoller, M. H., J. H. Durek and J. H. Woodhouse, On the relative significance of aspherical elastic and anelastic structures on long period surface waves, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 70, 390, 1989.
11. Lavely, E.M. and M. H. Ritzwoller, The Influence of Convection on Solar Oscillations, IAU Colloquium 121, Versailles, France, May 1989.
12. Ritzwoller, M. H., J. H. Durek and J. H. Woodhouse, Testing ray and asymptotic theories with normal mode synthetic seismograms, Inter. Geol. Cong., 1989.
13. Ritzwoller, M. H., J. H. Durek and J. H. Woodhouse, Inferences from measurements of aspherical Q, (invited), EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 1989.
14. Durek, J. H., M. H. Ritzwoller, and J. H. Woodhouse, Estimating aspherical Q in the upper mantle using surface wave amplitude data, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 1989.
15. Wong, Y. K., J. H. Durek, M. H. Ritzwoller, and J. H. Woodhouse, Comparing surface wave ray theories with normal mode synthetic seismograms, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 1989.
16. Kelly, J., M. H. Ritzwoller, and E. M. Lavely, Probing the Sun for giant-cell convection, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 72, 318, 1991.
17. Lavely, E. M. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Long-period seismic constraints on geodynamical variables, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 72, 498, 1991.
18. Resovsky, J. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Effect of elastic and anelastic upper mantle models on long-period Rayleigh waves, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., May, 1992.
19. Kelly, J. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Probing the Sun for giant cell convection, Amer. Aston. Assoc., June, 1992.
20. Kelly, J. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Detecting solar giant cells, Global Oscillation Network Group Meeting, August, 1992. (INVITED)
21. Harvey, D., M. Ritzwoller, D. Quinlan, and K. Sizer, Studies using the NRDC Eastern Kazakhstan sparse network data, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 73, 359, 1992.
22. Wahr, J., M. Ritzwoller, A. Rodgers, and V. Dehant, Topography on the 660-km discontinuity and its possible effects on seismic inversions for mantle structure, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 73, 518, 1992.
23. Levshin, A. L. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Polarization anomalies of surface waves propagating across Eurasia, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 73, 408, 1992.
24. Hansen, R., D. Harvey, M. Ritzwoller, and F. Vernon, Preliminary analysis of IRIS/Kyrgyz data: September, 1991 - August, 1992, 15th Annual Air Force/DARPA Seismic Research Symposium, Vail, September, 1993. (INVITED)
25. Levshin, A. L. and M. H. Ritzwoller, On the Cause of Polarization Anomalies of Surface Waves Crossing Northern and Central Eurasia, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Fall AGU, 1993.
26. Lavely, E. M. and M. H. Ritzwoller, Topography on Mantle Discontinuities Using Mantle Wave and Normal Mode Data, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Fall AGU, 1993.
27. Ritzwoller, M.H., E.M. Lavely, J. Wahr, and A. Rodgers, Potential inference of mantle boundary topography from normal mode data and geodynamical implications, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, 27th General Assembly, Wellington, New Zealand, Abstract S7.1, 1994. (INVITED)
28. Rodgers, A. J. Wahr, M. Ritzwoller, and E. Lavely, Resolving the trade-off between topographic and volumetric structures in the earth's mantle, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, 27th General Assembly, Wellington, New Zealand, Abstract S7.31, 1994.
29. Levshin, A.L. and M.H. Ritzwoller, The nature and cause of polarisation anomalies of surface waves crossing Northern and Central Eurasia, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, 27th General Assembly, Wellington, New Zealand, Abstract W.13, 1994.
30. Bump, H., A. Sheehan, and M. Ritzwoller, Receiver functions and crustal structure in Kirghistan, Proceedings of CIRES Research Symposium, March, 1994.
31. Lindquist, K. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Preliminary investigations to estimate the crustal and upper mantle structure beneath KNET, Proceedings of IRIS Annual Meeting, Glendale, CA, April, 1994. (INVITED)
32. Levshin, A.L. and Michael H. Ritzwoller, The use of middle period (5-30 s) surface wave spectra as a discriminant, 1994 Air Force Seismic Research Symposium, Thornwood, NY, 1994. (INVITED)
33. Lavely, E.M. and M.H. Ritzwoller, A comparison among recent global mantle models, 1994 Fall AGU Meeting, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 75, 71, 1994.
34. Levshin, A.L. and Michael H. Ritzwoller, Middle period (5-30 s) surface wave propagation in Central Asia, 1994 Fall AGU Meeting, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 75, 464, 1994.
35. Resovsky, J.S. and Michael H. Ritzwoller, Normal mode studies of the 1994 Bolivia and Fiji Deep Events, 1994 Fall AGU Meeting, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 75, 472, 1994.
36. Ritzwoller, M.H. and J. Wahr, Geodynamically consistent seismic inversion for mantle structure and internal boundary topography, 1994 Fall AGU Meeting, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 75, 663, 1994.
37. Levshin, A.L. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Importance of middle-period surface wave data for nuclear monitoring, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Monitoring a CTBT, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 January - 2 February, 1995. (INVITED)
38. Ritzwoller, M.H. and J. Wahr, Normal mode constraints on mantle structure and dynamics, IUGG XXI General Assembly, Boulder, CO, B396, 1995. (INVITED)
39. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Extending observations of normal mode constraints for mantle structures, IUGG XXI General Assembly, Boulder, CO, B382, 1995.
40. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, and L. Ratnikova, Surface wave tomography of Central and Southern Asia, IUGG XXI General Assembly, Boulder, CO, B365, 1995.
41. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, S.S. Smith, and C.S. Lee, Making accurate continental broadband surface wave measurements, Proceedings of the 17th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, Phoenix, AR, 35, 1995. (INVITED)
42. Levshin, A.L., and M.H. Ritzwoller, Surface wave group velocity measurements across Eurasia, Proceedings of the 17th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, Phoenix, AR, 43, 1995. (INVITED)
43. Levshin, A.L. and M.H. Ritzwoller, High resolution surface wave group velocity tomography of Eurasia, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., F386, 1995.
44. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Structural constraints and implications from an expanded set of mantle-sensitive normal modes, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., F423, 1995.
45. Ritzwoller, M.H. and J. Resovsky, The importance of normal mode seismology to understanding the structure and dynamics of the deep earth, Proceedings of the Annual CSEDI Research Symposium, January 10, 1996.
46. Bhattacharyya, J., M.H. Ritzwoller, and G. Masters, Joint seismological/mineral physics investigation of anelasticity in the deep earth, Proceedings of the Annual CSEDI Research Symposium, January 10, 1996. (INVITED)
47. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, and L.I. Ratnikova, High resolution Rayleigh and Love wave group velocity maps across Eurasia, Proceedings of the European Geophysical Society, 30, May, 1996.
48. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, and M.B. James, Interpretation of group velocity maps of Eurasia, Proceedings of the European Geophysical Society, 30, May, 1996.
49. Ritzwoller, M.H. and J.S. Resovsky, The deep mantle and normal mode seismology, Proceedings of the European Geophysical Society, 1, May, 1996. (INVITED)
50. James, M.B., A.L. Levshin, and M.H. Ritzwoller, Rapid and accurate computation of broadband eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions for fse in highly heterogeneous regions, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., May, 1996.
51. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, A.L., L. Ratnikova, S. Smith, and D. Tremblay, Broadband Rayleigh and Love wave group velocity variations across Eurasia, IRIS Annual Meeting, June, 1996. (INVITED)
52. Bhattacharyya, J., M. Ritzwoller, and A. Levshin, Toward a Broadband Aspherical Attenuation Model, IRIS Annual Meeting, June, 1996.
53. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, L.I. Ratnikova, and D.M. Tremblay, High resolution group velocity variations across Central Asia, 18th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, Sept., 1996. (INVITED)
54. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, and S.S. Smith, Group velocity variations across Eurasia, 18th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, Sept., 1996. (INVITED)
55. Rial, J. and M. Ritzwoller, Lg wave propagation in the South American continent, 68th annual meeting of the Eastern Section of the SSA, Chapel Hill, NC, 7 Oct, 1996.
56. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, and L.I. Ratnikova, Surface wave tomography across Tibet, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Dec., 1996. (INVITED)
57. Ritzwoller, M.H., A.L. Levshin, D.M. Tremblay, and M.B. James, Broadband surface wave dispersion across the Antarctic Plate, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Dec., 1996.
58. Bhattacharyya, J., M. Ritzwoller, and A. Levshin, Improving the reliability of surface wave attenuation measurements, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Dec., 1996.
59. Vdovin, O.Y., J.A. Rial, M.H. Ritzwoller and A.L. Levshin, Surface-wave Inversion of the South American Lithosphere (SISAL): A first look, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Dec., 1996.
60. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, and M. Silitch, Eurasian lithospheric shear velocity model from surface wave dispersion, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Dec., 1996.
61. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Assessing 3D mantle models with new normal mode observations, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., Dec., 1996.
62. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, L.I. Ratnikova, and A.A. Egorkin, Surface wave tomographic study of Central Asian tectonic regimes, NATO Advanced Research Project Workshop: Upper Mantle Heterogeneities from Active and Passive Seismology, April 13 - 16, Moscow, 1997.
63. M.H. Ritzwoller and A.L. Levshin, High-resolution surface wave tomography of the Eurasian lithosphere, Europrobe Conference: Earth's Upper Mantle Structure Based on Integrated Geological and Geophysical Studeis, April 17 - 19, Moscow, 1997.
64. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Constraining 3D earth models using a new normal mode catalogue, The 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI, 276, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 18 - 28, 1997.
65. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Modern normal mode data processing and analysis, The 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI, 51, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 18 - 28, 1997. (INVITED)
66. Vdovin, O.Y., J.A. Rial, M.H. Ritzwoller, and A.L. Levshin, Surface-wave tomographic inversion of the South American Lithosphere, The 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI, 51, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 18 - 28, 1997.
67. Levshin, A.L., M.H. Ritzwoller, L.I. Ratnikova, M. Silitch, R. Kelly, and B. O'Sullivan, Intermediate period group velocity maps across Central Asia and parts of the Middle East, Proceedings of the 19th Seismic Research Symposium on Monitoring a CTBT, 54, 1997. (INVITED)
68. Rial J.A. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Propagation Efficiency of long-period Lg waves in the Brazilian Shield and the Andes, in Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Sao Paulo, Brazil;, pp.1009-1010, 1997. (INVITED)
69. Rial, J.A., O.Y. Vdovin, M.H. Ritzwoller and A.L. Levshin, Surface-wave tomographic Inversion of the South American lithosphere (The SISAL Project), in Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp.889, 1997. (INVITED)
70. Bukchin, B.G., A.V. Lander, A.Z. Mostinsky, V.I. Maksimov, A.L. Levshin, and M.H. Ritzwoller, Comparative study of the earthquake (27.11.92) and explosion (21.05.92) at Lop Nor (China): Source parameters inversion from seismic waves records, Monitoring and identification of underground nuclear explosions, International Science and Technology Center, Moscow, 17 - 21 Nov., 1997.
71. Vdovin, O.Y., M.H. Ritzwoller, A.L. Levshin, and J.A. Rial, Surface wave tomography of South America and Antarctica, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., December, 1997.
72. Resovsky, J.S. and M.H. Ritzwoller, Using normal mode data to improve mantle models, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., December, 1997.
73. Levshin, A.L. and M.H. Ritzwoller, The effect of source mechanism on group times and group velocity maps, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., May, 1998.
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