$entry[fname] $entry[lname]"; return $contentvar; } function extAuthors($extAuthorsString) { if($extAuthorsString == null) return; $extAuthorsString = trim($extAuthorsString); if($extAuthorsString == null || $extAuthorsString == "") return null; preg_match_all("%((\!|\@)([0-9A-Za-z\ ]*)(\@|\!))%", $extAuthorsString, $answer, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for($i = 0; $i < count($answer[3]); $i++) { if(trim($answer[2][$i] == "@")) { $contentvar .= localAuthors($answer[3][$i]); } else { $contentvar .= trim($answer[3][$i]); } if($i == (count($answer[3]) - 1)) $contentvar .= "."; else $contentvar .= ", "; } return $contentvar; } function localGroups($groupsString) { if($groupsString == null) return; $groupsString = trim($groupsString); if($groupsString == null || $groupsString == "") return null; preg_match_all("%\!([0-9]*)\!%", $groupsString, $answer, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $ted = $answer[1][0]; $query = "SELECT * FROM groups WHERE groupID = $ted"; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result != null) { $entry = mysql_fetch_array($result); $contentvar .= "$entry[groupName]"; } return $contentvar; } mysql_connect('localhost', 'root'); //DO NOT RELEASE mysql_select_db('dept_coredb'); $query = "SELECT * from vitals"; $result = mysql_query($query); $entry = mysql_fetch_array($result); $deptName = $entry[deptName]; $deptAbbv = $entry[deptAbbv]; $deptLogo = $entry[deptLogo]; $address1 = $entry[address1]; $address2 = $entry[address2]; $city = $entry[city]; $state = $entry[state]; $zip = $entry[zip]; $phone = $entry[phone]; $groupName = "$deptAbbv Admin Tool"; if($_POST['myaction'] != '') { if($_POST['myaction'] === "deletePaper") { $paperID = $_POST['paperid']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM papers WHERE paperID = '$paperID' "); } if($_POST['myaction'] === "deletePerson") { $personID = $_POST['personid']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM people WHERE personID = '$personID' "); } if($_POST['myaction'] === "deleteGroup") { $groupID = $_POST['groupid']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM groups WHERE groupID = '$groupID' "); } if($_POST['myaction'] === "deleteProject") { $projectID = $_POST['projectid']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM projects WHERE projectID = '$projectID' "); } if($_POST['myaction'] === "Add Paper") { require("fileupload-class.php"); //UPLOAD SCRIPT BEGIN $path = "uploads/"; $upload_file_name = "userfile"; $default_extension = ""; $mode = 2; // Create a new instance of the class $my_uploader = new uploader; // OPTIONAL: set the max filesize of uploadable files in bytes $my_uploader->max_filesize(10000000); // OPTIONAL: if you're uploading images, you can set the max pixel dimensions $my_uploader->max_image_size(400, 600); /* max_image_size($width, $height) */ // UPLOAD the file /* upload(file name[, acceptable mime types[, default extenstion]]) */ if ($my_uploader->upload($upload_file_name, $acceptable_file_types, $default_extension)) { $success = $my_uploader->save_file($path, $mode); } if($_POST['author1'] != "none" && $_POST['author1'] != "line") { if($_POST['author1'] === "other") { $extAuthors .= "!".$_POST['otherauthor1']."!"; } else { $extAuthors .= "@".$_POST['author1']."@"; $localAuthors .= "!".$_POST['author1']."!"; } } if($_POST['author2'] != "none" && $_POST['author2'] != "line") { if($_POST['author2'] === "other") { $extAuthors .= "!".$_POST['otherauthor2']."!"; } else { $extAuthors .= "@".$_POST['author2']."@"; $localAuthors .= "!".$_POST['author2']."!"; } } if($_POST['author3'] != "none" && $_POST['author3'] != "line") { if($_POST['author3'] === "other") { $extAuthors .= "!".$_POST['otherauthor3']."!"; } else { $extAuthors .= "@".$_POST['author3']."@"; $localAuthors .= "!".$_POST['author3']."!"; } } if($_POST['author4'] != "none" && $_POST['author4'] != "line") { if($_POST['author4'] === "other") { $extAuthors .= "!".$_POST['otherauthor4']."!"; } else { $extAuthors .= "@".$_POST['author4']."@"; $localAuthors .= "!".$_POST['author4']."!"; } } if($_POST['author5'] != "none" && $_POST['author5'] != "line") { if($_POST['author5'] === "other") { $extAuthors .= "!".$_POST['otherauthor5']."!"; } else { $extAuthors .= "@".$_POST['author5']."@"; $localAuthors .= "!".$_POST['author5']."!"; } } $paperName = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['papername']); $paperGroup = str_replace("\'", "\\'", "!".$_POST['groupname']."!"); $journal = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['journalname']); $status = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['status']); $extAuthors = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $extAuthors); $year = $_POST['year']; if ($success) { $fileURL = $my_uploader->file['name']; } mysql_connect('localhost', 'root'); $query = "INSERT INTO papers (paperID, title, localAuthors, localGroups, extAuthors, journal, year, status, fileURL) VALUES('','$paperName', '$localAuthors', '$paperGroup', '$extAuthors', '$journal', '$year', '$status', '$fileURL');"; mysql_query($query); } if($_POST['myaction'] === "Add Person") { require("fileupload-class.php"); //UPLOAD SCRIPT BEGIN $path = "uploads/"; $upload_file_name = "userphoto"; $default_extension = ""; $mode = 2; // Create a new instance of the class $my_uploader = new uploader; // OPTIONAL: set the max filesize of uploadable files in bytes $my_uploader->max_filesize(1000000); // OPTIONAL: if you're uploading images, you can set the max pixel dimensions $my_uploader->max_image_size(600, 600); /* max_image_size($width, $height) */ // UPLOAD the file /* upload(file name[, acceptable mime types[, default extenstion]]) */ if ($my_uploader->upload($upload_file_name, $acceptable_file_types, $default_extension)) { $success = $my_uploader->save_file($path, $mode); } if($_POST['groupname'] != "none" && $_POST['groupname'] != "line") { $groupName2 = $_POST['groupname']; } if($_POST['typename'] != "none" && $_POST['typename'] != "line") { $groupName2 = $_POST['typename']; } $fname = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['fname']); $lname = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['lname']); $officeLoc = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['officeLoc']); $phone = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['phone']); $title = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['title']); $description = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['personDesc']); $description = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "
", $description);
$description = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $description);
$group = str_replace("\'", "\\'", "!".$_POST['groupname']."!");
$type = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['typename']);
if ($success) { $pictureURL = $my_uploader->file['name']; }
mysql_connect('localhost', 'root');
$query = "INSERT INTO people (fname,lname,officeLoc,phone,title,type,description,pictureURL,papers,groups,personID)
VALUES('$fname','$lname','($officeLoc)','$phone','$title','$type','$description','$pictureURL','', '$group', '');";
if($_POST['myaction'] === "Add Group") {
$groupName2 = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['groupName']);
$groupDesc = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "
", $_POST['groupDesc']);
$groupDesc = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $groupDesc);
$groupDesc = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $groupDesc);
if($_POST['link1'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link1'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest1'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest1'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link2'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link2'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest2'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest2'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link3'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link3'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest3'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest3'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link4'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link4'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest4'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest4'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link5'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link5'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest5'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest5'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
mysql_connect('localhost', 'root');
$query = "INSERT INTO groups (groupID, groupName, groupDesc, links)
if($_POST['myaction'] === "Add Project") {
$path = "uploads/";
$upload_file_name = "projectpicture";
$default_extension = "";
$mode = 2;
// Create a new instance of the class
$my_uploader = new uploader;
// OPTIONAL: set the max filesize of uploadable files in bytes
// OPTIONAL: if you're uploading images, you can set the max pixel dimensions
$my_uploader->max_image_size(600, 600); /* max_image_size($width, $height) */
// UPLOAD the file
/* upload(file name[, acceptable mime types[, default extenstion]]) */
if ($my_uploader->upload($upload_file_name, $acceptable_file_types, $default_extension)) {
$success = $my_uploader->save_file($path, $mode);
$projectName = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['projectName']);
$projectDesc = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['projectDesc']);
$projectDesc = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "
", $_POST['projectDesc']);
$projectDesc = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $projectDesc);
$relevantGroup = $_POST['relevantGroup'];
if ($success) { $pictureURL = $my_uploader->file['name']; }
mysql_connect('localhost', 'root');
$query = "INSERT INTO projects (projectID, highlighted, projectName, projectDesc, pictureURL, relevantGroup)
if($_POST['myaction'] === "Make Changes") {
mysql_connect('localhost', 'root');
$path = "uploads/";
$upload_file_name = "userfile";
$default_extension = "";
$mode = 2;
// Create a new instance of the class
$my_uploader = new uploader;
// OPTIONAL: set the max filesize of uploadable files in bytes
// OPTIONAL: if you're uploading images, you can set the max pixel dimensions
$my_uploader->max_image_size(600, 600); /* max_image_size($width, $height) */
// UPLOAD the file
/* upload(file name[, acceptable mime types[, default extenstion]]) */
if ($my_uploader->upload($upload_file_name, $acceptable_file_types, $default_extension)) {
$success = $my_uploader->save_file($path, $mode);
$entry = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vitals"));
if ($success) { $deptLogo = $my_uploader->file['name']; } else { $deptLogo = $entry[deptLogo]; }
$deptName = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['deptName']);
$deptAbbv = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['deptAbbv']);
$deptSubhead = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['deptSubhead']);
$address1 = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['address1']);
$address2 = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['address2']);
$city = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['city']);
$state = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['state']);
$zip = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['zip']);
$phone = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $_POST['phone']);
$deptDesc = str_replace("\r\n\r\n", "
", $_POST['deptDesc']);
$deptDesc = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $deptDesc);
$deptDesc = str_replace("\'", "\\'", $deptDesc);
if($_POST['link1'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link1'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest1'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest1'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link2'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link2'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest2'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest2'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link3'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link3'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest3'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest3'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link4'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link4'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest4'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest4'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
if($_POST['link5'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['link5'].":!:"; if($_POST['linkdest5'] != '') { $links .= $_POST['linkdest5'].":!:"; } else { $links .= "Other External Site:!:"; } }
$query2 = "UPDATE vitals SET deptName='$deptName',deptAbbv='$deptAbbv',deptLogo='$deptLogo',deptSubhead='$deptSubhead',deptDesc='$deptDesc', address1='$address1',address2='$address2',city='$city',state='$state',zip='$zip',phone='$phone', links='$links'";
$query = "SELECT * FROM projects ORDER BY projectName";
$result = mysql_query($query);
for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) {
$entry = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$projectFormName = "project_$entry[projectID]";
$checkValue = $_POST["$projectFormName"];
$projectID = $entry[projectID];
if($checkValue != "") {
$query2 = "UPDATE projects SET highlighted = '1' WHERE projectID = '$projectID' LIMIT 1";
} else {
$query2 = "UPDATE projects SET highlighted = '0' WHERE projectID = '$projectID' LIMIT 1";
if($_GET['page'] != '') {
$page = $_GET['page'];
if($page == 0) {
$pageName = "Main Admin";
$content .="$deptAbbv Main Site Administration
"; $query = "SELECT * FROM vitals"; $result = mysql_query($query); $entry = mysql_fetch_array($result); $deptDesc = str_replace("
", "\r\n\r\n", $entry['deptDesc']);
$personDesc = str_replace("
", "\r\n", $deptDesc);
$content .= "
"; } else if($page == 1) { $pageName = "Papers"; $content .="Current Papers
"; $query = "SELECT * FROM papers"; $result = mysql_query($query); $content .= "
\nAdd A Paper:
"; } else if($page == 2) { $pageName = "People"; $content .="Current $deptAbbv Members"; $query = "SELECT * FROM people ORDER BY lname"; $result = mysql_query($query); $content .= "
\nAdd A Person:
"; } else if($page == 3) { $pageName = "Groups"; $content .="Current $deptAbbv Groups"; $query = "SELECT * FROM groups ORDER BY groupName"; $result = mysql_query($query); $content .= "
\nAdd A Group:
"; } else if($page == 4) { $pageName = "Projects"; $content .="Current $deptAbbv Projects"; $groupList .= ""; $query = "SELECT * FROM groups"; $result = mysql_query($query); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { $entry = mysql_fetch_array($result); $groupList .= "\n"; } $query = "SELECT * FROM projects ORDER BY projectName"; $result = mysql_query($query); $content .= "
\nAdd A Project:
"; } } else { $content .= "Please select a management task.
Add/Delete/Edit Projects"; } ?>
> Administration > | ||
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